Zambart research directorate
Strategy 2019 – 2025
To be internationally recognized as Africa’s leading public health research and training organization
- To conduct high quality public health research
- To train world class health researchers
Zambart’s key values are Excellence, Quality and Compassion.
The Zambart research directorate strategy is made of 7 key strategic priorities:
- High Quality Public Health Research: Strengthen existing research focus and expand beyond HIV& TB into other areas of health research
- Strong Strategic Partnerships: Strengthening existing partnerships and developing new ones
- Great Global Reputation: being visible and well known locally, regionally and globally
- Demonstrable Policy Impact and Influence: Locally and internationally
- Financial Sustainability
- Robust Training and Consultancy arm: a self-sustaining business providing services to others
- Great place to Work: inspired people, developing professionally and working in a great environment
Streategic Priorities and Targets
1. High Quality Public Health Research: Strengthen existing research focus and expand beyond HIV& TB into other areas of health research
Zambart has traditionally been known for research in the field of TB and HIV and this is where we have our expertise. The focus on this area of work will remain and it is anticipated that ongoing and new studies will continue this work. However, there is also a strong desire to move into other areas of research and this will necessitate developing new relationships with individuals and institutions who have the necessary expertise. Zambart has a strong inter-disciplinary profile and this makes the scope of disciplines and our portfolio wider and more flexible and interesting.
Key Performance targets 2020:
- To have won at least 2 new major research grants in the field of TB/HIV by 2020 and one in another area of public health
- To have successfully first authored at least 10 papers from the HPTN 071 PopART trial, and 10 papers from the other research studies that are ongoing
- To have made at least one new linkage with an area of public health beyond TB/HIV
Key performance targets 2025:
- To have maintained our reputation in TB/HIV cutting edge research
- To have at least 3 grants in research areas that are beyond TB/HIV
- To have attracted one senior researcher in an area not related to TB or HIV
2. Strong Strategic Partnerships: Strengthening existing partnerships and developing new ones
Zambart developed out of a strong partnership between the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the University of Zambia, School of Medicine. The strong partnership between the two institutions has continued and has developed as the University of Zambia, School of Public health has been developed and as significant changes in funding and structure have occurred at LSHTM.
Zambart has also enjoyed strong partnerships with other institutions including Stellenbosch University, Imperial College, HPTN, Johns Hopkins University, International Centre for Research on Women and the Universities of Toronto and McMaster. Over the past two years Zambart has developed new partnerships with KNCV, Qiagen, Sheffield University and the Union and these need to be nurtured and expanded.
In order to continue to function nationally and internationally Zambart needs to strengthen and expand these relationships.
Key Performance targets 2020:
- To have a meaningful partnership with the University of Zambia, School of Public Health, evidenced by a functional MoU, joint appointments for at least 3 staff members, joint post-graduate and masters students and shared capacity building opportunities and endeavours.
- To have developed a renewed relationship with LSHTM evidenced by visits from senior LSHTM faculty, increased student placements, ongoing postgraduate students
- To partner in at least one new grant with a recently formed partnership.
Key Performance Targets 2025:
- To have at least 2 honorary lecturing placements at the LSHTM
- To have at least one strong local strategic partner e.g. MoH, Public Health Institute
- To have at least two new strategic partnerships with institutions nationally and internationally
- To have won one grant that represents community led research
3. Great Global Reputation: Being visible and well known locally, regionally and globally
Zambart is well known in some fields but entirely unknown in others. Going forwards Zambart should be a nationally and internationally recognizable brand that symbolizes quality research.
Reputation in the field of research develops from academic engagement with publications, conference presentations and also broader media engagement.
Key Performance targets 2020:
- A new recognizable brand which represents the key research strategies
- At least 10 papers in high impact journals with Zambart authors first or last
- At least 5 media mentions and 1 specific media article
Key Performance targets 2025:
- At least 2 invited plenary talks at international conferences
- At least one invited plenary talk at NHRC bi-annual
- The majority of papers are first or last authored by Zambart staff, with at least 3 per year first/last authored in high impact journals
4. Demonstrable Policy Impact and Influence: Locally and internationally
For our research to have meaning we need it to be adopted into health policy locally and internationally. This is achieved by networking with key policy makers and policy making institutions such as Ministry of Health, WHO, UNAIDS, PEPFAR etc.
Engagement and networking with stakeholders locally and internationally requires Zambart to have representation on key committees and technical working groups and to contribute to guidelines development groups
Key Performance targets 2020:
- Zambart visible and proactive member on at least 3 national technical working groups
- Zambart staff invited to participate in at least one international guidelines working group
- At least 3 requests for assistance with policy or guidelines
Key Performance targets 2025:
- Have an engagement plan for policy makers and stakeholders- to ensure incorporation of views and enhanced research uptake
- More than 3 different Zambart staff members invited to attend WHO guidelines or policy groups
- Zambart staff invited to participate in at least two advisory groups or equivalent for studies being implemented in Africa.
5. Financial Sustainability
As a research organization Zambart needs to sustain itself financially via research grants. A constant income needs to be maintained to ensure consistency in the administration of Zambart and to allow security and career progression for staff. This is best provided via a diverse portfolio of grant holders and funders, so that funding is not reliant on one individual or donor. Financial stability may also require consideration of core funding, contract research and consultancies.
Key Performance targets 2020:
- Robust grant writing pipe line in operation
- At least 10 grant proposals submitted by at least 4 different individuals, to at least 3 different funders
- At least two successful new grant applications
Key Performance targets 2025:
- A strategically balanced and inclusive grant portfolio with no funding gaps for the previous 3 years
- At least one additional member of staff submitting a grant proposal annually, so that the pool of grant writers is now more than 8
- At least one “alternative” funding strategy in place
6. Robust Training and Consultancy arm: A self-sustaining business providing services to others
Recognising the limitations of purely grant funding, and acknowledging the potential value of some consultancies, Zambart would like to form a “for profit” company which would allow it to provide training courses on specific topics as well as to act in a consultancy capacity. This may include laboratory work, epidemiological surveys or qualitative work.
This “Zambart Ltd” would function alongside the research arm without detracting from it in terms of person time and would provide additional security for individuals if grant funding is limited. The company would not only build on Zambart’s reputation but also enhance Zambart’s reputation with stakeholders.
Key Performance targets 2020:
- “Zambart Ltd established as a for profit entity, with all corresponding articles and policies
- A strategic training and consultancy plan developed
- At least one consultancy bid completed
Key performance targets 2025:
- “Zambart Ltd” fully functional and contributing towards common funding of Zambart
- At least 2 training courses offered with demand from, and attended by, international students
- At least 3 consultancies completed
7. Great place to Work: Inspired people working in a great environment
Zambart needs a committed, focused and inspired team working together to achieve its goals. Zambart has its own facilities but these need to grow and adapt to meet the needs of the organization.
Key Performance targets 2020:
- A healthy pipeline of staff progressing through career development, in all fields, supported and funded by a capacity development team.
- Updated facilities including a fresh look for Zambart house, improved maintenance and environment (social and physical) as well as state of the art video conferencing facilities.
Key Performance targets 2025:
- Zambart has its own state of the art building
- A fully funded and functioning staff development programme to support staff development
Excellence, quality and compassion
Key elements underpinning all of the strategic priorities of the research directorate are excellence, quality and compassion. Zambart aims to conduct all of its activities to the highest standards of research and ethics. The motivation for all that Zambart does is to improve the health of the people of Zambia and the rest of the world.
Research Governance
To ensure the highest possible standards in research Zambart will build a research governance department that is world leading. This department will provide guidance and leadership in all aspects of research governance and training and will monitor all research activities to ensure the highest possible standards.
All staff members will receive annual research ethics training and all studies will contribute towards the ongoing development of the research governance department. By 2025 Zambart will have its own ethics committee and will also provide research monitoring and support to other institutions planning research in the region.
Giving back to our communities
The communities in which we work are key partners in everything we do. Zambart will develop relationships with our research communities that represent true partnerships. Zambart will be a world leader in community engagement and will act as an inspirational model for others in the field.