Message from Research Director
Zambart’s research directorate consists of a multi-disciplinary team of exceptional Zambian scientists. I am fortunate to have two deputy directors of research who help me to manage the directorate; Dr Kwame Shanaube for quantitative studies and Dr Musonda Simwinga for qualitative studies.
Several years ago, we re-evaluated the research directorate and spent time discussing what we wanted to become and what research we wanted to do. We came up with a Research strategy which you can find here [hyperlink to research strategy] which lays out our vision for Zambart research and the short- and medium-term goals that we have set ourselves. We are progressing well. We have diversified our research to now include many more areas other than our traditional research, that of TB and HIV. We now have studies looking at Schistosomiasis, especially genital schistosomiasis, water and sanitation, and studies looking at how communicable disease interact with non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease.
We have also diversified our research partnerships beyond our traditional partner of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and we now work with Universities in Zambia, Africa, US, and Europe and with community and industry partners.
We have a strong research capacity building ethos and have trained many researchers. We currently have four Zambart staff completing PhDs and have two new PhD students joining us in 2022/2023 as we are part of the CREATE PhD scheme ( ). This scheme, funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Hamish Ogston Foundation, will train matched pairs of researchers, one from the UK and one from the African partner institute. Our first pair are just starting with one looking at TB and the heart and the other at lung ultrasound to diagnose TB. We are looking forward to having more pairs in the coming years. Alongside the academic research capacity, we are also building capacity in grant writing and publications and have diversified the number of people submitting and winning grant funding.
Our research studies are described on these pages please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for research that you would like us to consider
Prof. Helen Ayles
Director of Research